PPC Advertising

PPC Advertising

Reach the people you want, when you want, and turn them into customers.

To quickly increase your visibility and rapidly generate new leads and sales, few techniques beat the results available from PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising. Target those most likely to purchase your product, push limited-time promotions to boost sales, and gain an edge over any competition that relies solely on organic marketing.

To get the best results from your PPC Advertising plan it is best paired with Email Marketing for responding to and tracking new leads, and SEO to help understand which keywords are best used for your PPC ads.

Pricing for our PPC Advertising service starts at $535/month.

More Information:

Audience Research

Audience Research

The first step in developing a pay-per-click ad campaign is understanding exactly who your marketing too. We need to find out where they browse, how often, and the best method of delivering your paid ad to them.

Ad Creation & Management

After nailing down your ideal audience(s), you’ll need to have ads that are well written and encourage readers to click them. Multiple campaigns can be developed to target different customer types, or promote various products or promotions.  Each of your ads will also need to lead to a well designed landing page that will convert any visitors into either leads or sales.

Ad Creation & Management
Testing & Optimization

Testing & Optimization

Testing is absolutely vital to getting the best results from your PPC Ad Campaign. Split testing (also called A/B testing) can be used to guide improvements to your ads, and over time increase the performance of your ads and the return on your investment.

Reporting & Analytics

Create free or sellable membership plans for your customers.  Free membership plans can be used to run special promotions and reward frequent customers, while sellable membership plans can be a new way to monetize your existing products.
Reporting & Analytics